Thursday, February 17, 2011

Update One - Kicked out of God's own Country

Its been like 9 months outside India and I am already feeling crazy! This blog is dedicated to those pathetic "code monkeys" (an another me) who suddenly find their lives devasted getting into the profession of the Golden Goose (remember the goose that laid Golden Eggs) For the layman, if you believe IT is the best profession, then you are wrong. It sucks. It is cozy down there, where you are just out of college and when you are impressed by money (that you can use to impress others). But later... down the lane, you find yourself murking around, lonely, and deprived... looking back at the friend... who you just disposed off... to climb that extra rung on the ladder (to hell).
Unfortunately thats the way it is in any profession. But the pyramid in the software field, I believe is the steepest.

Whateva!!! Once you are in, you are lost. There is no way out, (unless you are ironically blind) You find yourself dancing on an oily stage surrounded by concrete mazes.. You fall down, you try and get up, and down you go. And you look around and see more such jokers on the dance floor, trying to help themselves (instead of others) to get up!

In one such slippery incident, I cribbed so hard, that I got a kick on my you-know-where and that catapulted me out of the country.... into Devil's Fantasyland!
Boy oh Boy!!

And look at me, here I am, at Uncle Sam's... waiting for my return ticket!

And to all of those, who dream of dollars and pounds... I hope I would be able to provide some kinda tips.. survival tips... while you own the post of a Non Resident Indian!

Stay Tuned!

2 Years - Long time

Its been more than two years since I last posted on my blogspot! I have been in and out of blogging every now and then. But now, for the sake of reviving my consciousness, I am seriously considering to get back on the boat!
The last two years, has left me with lots of stuff to bluff about! And I hope to keep my readers happy!

Stay Tuned~